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Showing posts from April, 2019

A girl can say no.

A girl can say no. A girl can say no. Whether to gifts or advances from suitors. She has every right to do so. To be killed for exercising that right is detrimental to the societal gains made since independence. Likewise, a boy can try and fail. If he fails, he must do so with honour and dignity. Sadly, we have been waking up to one case after the other, of brutally murdered women. The common culprit: an estranged ‘lover’. Perhaps of more concern, millennials seem to be the most affected. A few days ago, a young doctor was killed. Her apparent crime: saying no to a man. A man who had allegedly given her all manner of gifts and incentives to say yes. The same man suspected of killing her. Worse still, bloggers went on to post unverified claims. That she was killed because she infected the man. Even if it is indeed true, it is a very foolish way of looking at things. HIV/AIDS is not a new topic. Particularly, here in Kenya. It has even been declared as a national di...

Our parents want us to succeed. Just not now!

When will tomorrow ever come? I f we are the leaders of tomorrow, when will tomorrow come? In the 80’s and 90’s, our parents told us that we indeed were and we believed them. We studied and prepared hard. Fast forward to 2019, we are still the leaders of tomorrow. Are we not growing? Could 2019 be a code name for 1980? For some strange reason, we cannot seem to get jobs. When we do, we never get promoted. It is true experience is required. However, it must be acquired. It can not really be bought. This then begs the question; how do we acquire it from outside? Dear parents, tell us. Internships are also no longer free. My undergraduate classes were filled with Generation X (Gen X) managers and senior officers. After years of ‘on the job training’, they were then pursuing their first degrees. Why can we not be given the same level of trust? After all, we already even have the degrees. Worse still, at home here in Kenya, every job application requires original certificat...