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Showing posts from May, 2019

New App can help you store your luggage anywhere in town!

Running errands is hard enough, why carry bags? It is hard to run errands and carry bags around at the same time. It is even worse when the errands are spread across different town segments. Not to mention jostling with others just like you. Sometimes we get so caught up moving through errands, we end up misplacing a bag or two. Then there is also the risk of getting robbed. The time has come for a break! I recently stumbled on an App called ‘ Weka Luggage ’ on Google’s play store. It allows you to store your things at a place of your choice and pick them up later.  It is like leaving your bags from other errands at the supermarket entrance, without having to go into the supermarket. Only this time, you do not necessarily have to look for the supermarket. Being a sucker for new apps, I was forced to do some more digging on ‘ Weka Luggage ’. It is then that I stumbled upon what I think is a very enterprising business model. Most of us know ‘someone’ from ...