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COVID-19; I have never been this clean!

Novel Corona Virus What a year 2020 is turning out to be. COVID-19 is wreaking havoc across the globe. Thousands have died and thousands taken ill, as the infection rates continue to escalate. All new year resolutions have now been re-written to survive, survive, survive! The ‘this is my year’ talk will have to wait till next year. Worse still, it is only March. We have 9 moths to go. Off course there are those ‘working’ from home who never want it to end – if you know what I mean. For some of us, the government advisory to stay home turned out to be a rude awakening. We finally learnt what our employers really think of us; non-essential staff! which could be loosely translated to “we can do without you.” Word to the wise: if you are working from home, work. Else, you will be proving to the company what it has been thinking all along.  Now even your family will know what you do; dining table by night, workstation by day. Caution to those who have been overs...
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Everything that happened in January 2020; in 5 minutes or less.

No longer royals? What haven’t we seen this January 2020? I think it has been quite interesting. One man’s decision put the entire world on the brink of war and the Iranians then showed brothers from the lake-side region how funerals really ought to be done. One continent almost burnt out of existence. We are currently housing their refugee locusts. One of us actually lost his Cabinet Secretary job for ordering us to take pictures of them like they were children of the land. Then one virus decided it was high time the Chinese stopped selling wild animals as food. My guess is that one bat or cobra decided to take one for the team, given that the virus originated from the sale of wild animals in some Chinese market. Worrisomely, the virus has begun popping up in other parts of the world. And if twitter news serves me well, a couple decided that they no longer wanted to be royals. If only life were that easy for everyone; here in Kenya we would all ride horses. ...

Are you really ready for 2020?

'Njaanuary' For most of us, today was our first day back at work. Believe me, it sucked! For the past few weeks, every day was Friday – if you know what I mean. As from today however, every day is going to feel like today; Monday. Ironically, just a few days ago, you had joined the ‘2020 is my year bandwagon’. By week two, somehow, your resolutions will start behaving like your ex; hard to live with! Worse still, you only have 25 days’ worth of fare left. All you will be thinking about for the rest of January, is the end of January – pay day. Whoever invites you for coffee better be the one buying. First week of February, a sigh of relief – some money in your pocket. You also seem to be getting into the 2020 mood. The second week brings with it the one day that most men fear, and what all ladies can’t wait for; Valentine’s day. You are going to hit your head hard for the perfect gift. She in turn will crack her head open with expectation. Then before you...

Christianity doomed?

Is this the end of Christianity? Is Christianity on its death bed or are we close to the prophesied Biblical end? I am not sure which question answers which. However, both still remain. Let’s try and see whether we can get answers. Now, you may be wondering, “what is the genesis of such questions?” Well, I am sure you are no stranger to the times we currently live in. Our leaders are becoming more corrupt and insensible by the day. Some even dancing while we suffer their failures. Renown and accomplished professors have become common thieves – looting university coffers dry. Policemen are now armed robbers by night, and businessmen these days sell air in broad daylight. Fortunately for them, they too are ‘Christians’ and we will all meet in church on Sunday. The one day of the week where all is forgiven and forgotten. The one day where the pastor turns the pulpit into a sanctification platform for thieves and murderers. Just so we are on the same page, our pastor ...

Twice the pain.

Girls with different abilities go through a lot growing up It is double the challenge to grow up as a girl with different abilities. First, there is the issue of patriarchy, where girls are to be but submissive objects. Nevertheless, I do appreciate the fact that there are now various programmes for the girl-child’s empowerment. However, as Chinua Achebe once said, “When a culture gathers enough strength to go on for centuries, you don't just turn it off in one day.” It is this same culture that also subjects us to ridicule when we ‘fail’ to meet its standards. “By this time, you should be married and with kids,” they always say. Ironically, we are always forcefully hidden from society. Now then, will my soulmate come from the books I read? And if Tinder does work, will we get married without ever meeting? We are viewed as weaklings and are forced to stay silent Secondly, as a girl with different abilities, not only are you seen as a ‘burden’ but also as ...

Living as a 'Burden' to society

The society should not view us as a burden Children with different abilities bear weights that they should not have to. One unacquainted journalist recently asked me during an interview, “were you, or are you a burden to your parents?” In the interest of self-control, suitable replies to the overly insensitive question raced through my mind. “Why don’t you ask my parents!”, I thought to myself. The more I thought of what to answer the more painful it became. It then dawned on me that this was actually the reality of children with different abilities. We are viewed as a burden to society, throughout the course of our lives. There I was, all grown up, comfortably capable of checking myself into such interviews, a graduate nonetheless, and yet, the same prejudice still plagued me. Tears flowed as I attempted to answer her question. I recently visited a well-known children’s home that has hosted children with different abilities for decades. They were in the process o...

New App can help you store your luggage anywhere in town!

Running errands is hard enough, why carry bags? It is hard to run errands and carry bags around at the same time. It is even worse when the errands are spread across different town segments. Not to mention jostling with others just like you. Sometimes we get so caught up moving through errands, we end up misplacing a bag or two. Then there is also the risk of getting robbed. The time has come for a break! I recently stumbled on an App called ‘ Weka Luggage ’ on Google’s play store. It allows you to store your things at a place of your choice and pick them up later.  It is like leaving your bags from other errands at the supermarket entrance, without having to go into the supermarket. Only this time, you do not necessarily have to look for the supermarket. Being a sucker for new apps, I was forced to do some more digging on ‘ Weka Luggage ’. It is then that I stumbled upon what I think is a very enterprising business model. Most of us know ‘someone’ from ...